What do 550-year-old trees look like? Find out when you venture 0.7 miles along the Orange Trail to the site of the “Three Sisters,” three ancient white oak trees. Although in decline, two still survive. Borings from the trunk, done in the late 1960s on the largest of the three, indicate that they began growing around 1440. The largest of the three trees, dubbed the Big Sister, is one of the two largest trees in the MetroParks, with a circumference of 226 inches, a height of 141 feet and a crown spread of 93 feet, for a total of 390 points. Sadly, the middle sister, who had been weakened due to a fire, fell to the ground during the summer of 2008. She still lays between the other two soaring sisters, now a place for owls to nest, raccoons to sleep and bugs to eat.