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Waikiki Springs Nature Preserve


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A wonderful family friendly hike! Start off at the trailhead on N. Fairwood Dr and follow the obvious wide path down a series of switchbacks in the forest. At the bottom of the hill you'll end up on a paved road/path in a little neighborhood of nice houses for a short section before getting back on the trail walking north.  After a little bit, the hike opens up and goes straight through a wetland area and leads to a small foot bridge over the Little Spokane River. Just on the north side of the river,  the hike enters the Waikiki Springs Nature Preserve. 

You'll come to an intersection with a trail map that offers a few options. For this outing take a left and follow the main trail along the forest overlooking the wetlands and the river. Keep an eye out for adult and juvenile bald eagles and nests high up in the trees along the wetlands. 

The trail wraps around and ascends uphill for a bit, providing even better views of the river and surrounding area. Near the top of the trail, you'll intersect with the Eagle Trail off to the right (east). Follow that through some cool funky rock formations until you intersect with the new Astor Trail. Follow the Astor Trail which meanders downhill and again offers some great views of the area. Once at the bottom, you'll hook back into the main trail at the bottom and you'll meet up back at the trail intersection. Hang a left and you can make your way back on the same trail across the river and back up the switchbacks to the trailhead. 

Keep an eye out for the Granite and Eagle Trail and other options up or down another section of the Astor Trail. which offer a variety of options in the Nature Preserve.

Many thanks to the Inland Northwest Land Conservancy, the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, the Spokane Tribe of Indians, and Fairwood Farmers Market for making these trails possible! More information here -


  • Get Directions
    1780.41 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    47.77174, -117.42097
  • Length
    3.09 Miles
