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Oak trees

Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park

Outing in Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park

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Trail Highlights:
The steep climb begins on the Courdet Trail through oaks and bays. At the top, the landscape opens up as you walk along the ridge line. From here you can see across the valley to Sunol Ridge to the west. On the Sinbad Creek Trail, you will experience the tranquil Kilkare Canyon, where majestic old-growth oaks drip with lichen. California buttercups, blue-eyed grass, Ithuriel’s spear and other flowers flourish in spring. This loop can be made shorter by taking any of the trails that lead up to Ridgeline trail, before reaching the north end of Sinbad Creek Trail

Trail Directions:
Start at the Castle ridge Trailhead on Foothill Road. From here, take the Courdet Trail up-hill. In about two miles, turn left, go about two hundred feet, and then turn right onto Ridgeline Trail. After about.4 miles, turn right onto Shady Creek Trail. In a little less than a half-mile, go left on North Ridge Trail. Be sure to follow signs for North Ridge Trail, as it diverges from the wide dirt path about .2 miles later. Pass Loop Trail, continuing on North Ridge Trail. Pass through a cattle gate, and, after about .4 miles, turn left onto Cowing Trail. In about .7 miles, turn left onto Sinbad Creek Trail which leads through Kilkare Canyon. Follow Sinbad Creek Trail for about 3.5 miles. Where the trail splits (at marker 23), go left and follow Sinbad Creek Trail uphill. There is a drinking fountain at the top of the hill. Take a left on Ridgeline Trail. Follow Ridgeline Trail until you reach Courdet Trail. Turn right on Courdet Trail and descend two miles back to the trailhead.

Park Features:
Pleasanton Ridge is an oak-studded ridge overlooking several valleys below. The landscape is characterized by open, rolling hills and deep, heavily wooded creek canyons. Many native species flourish here, and the more remote parts of the park provide important habitat for bobcats, coyotes, and mountain lions. You may see Western bluebirds or meadowlarks in the grasslands, or red tailed hawks and golden eagles soaring above. Parking at the Castle ridge staging area is on the street. There are accessible restrooms and a drinking fountain here. Bicycles are allowed on the trails that make up this loop.

Driving Directions:
From Highway 680 in Pleasanton, exit at Bernal Avenue. Head west towards the hills and then turn right on Foothill Road. After .7 miles, turn left onto Old Foothill Rd., continue a short distance to find on-street parking

Additional Information

Allowed Access
Horseback Riding
Dog Walking
Trail Running