The Greater Vallejo Recreation District (GVRD) is a separate government agency from the City of Vallejo that provides parks and recreation programs for children, families, and seniors in Vallejo.

Greater Vallejo Recreation District
Contact Information
Phone Number
Find Your Community
Related Locations
- Amador Park
- Beverly Hills Park
- Blue Rock Springs Park
- Borges Ranch Park
- Carquinez Park
- Castlewood Park
- Children's Wonderland
- City Park
- Crescent Park
- Crest Ranch Park
- Dan Foley Park
- Delta Meadows Park
- Fairmont Park
- Glen Cove Park
- Glen Cove Waterfront Park
- Grant Mahony Park
- Hanns Park
- Henry Ranch Park
- Hiddenbrooke Orchards Park
- Highlands Park
- Independence Park
- Lake Dalwigk Park
- North Vallejo Park
- Northgate Park
- Richardson Park
- River Park
- Setterquist Park
- Sheveland Park
- Terrace Park
- Wardlaw Bmx/Skate/Dog Park
- Washington Park
- Wilson Park