We engage the community in programs, facilities, and services that foster active and healthy lifestyles, support positive social interaction, and enhance our community's quality of life.

City of Fairfield Parks & Recreation
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Related Locations
- Allan Witt Community Park and Rotary Skate Park
- City Hall and Civic Center Park
- Cordelia Community Park
- Dover Neighborhood Park
- Dunnell Nature Park & Education Center
- Fairfield Linear Park Bike Trail
- Gary Falati Neighborhood Park
- Hayes St & Utah St Tot Lot
- Hillview Neighborhood Park
- Julia Berger Neighborhood Park
- Kentucky Street Tot Lot
- Laurel Creek Community Park
- Lee Bell Neighborhood Park
- Mankas Neighborhood Park
- Meadow Glen Park Neighborhood Park
- Meadow Neighborhood Park
- Octo Inn Soccer Complex
- Paradise Valley Golf Course
- Rancho Solano Golf Course
- Ridgeview Neighborhood Park
- Rockville Hills Regional Park
- Rolling Hills Neighborhood Park
- Serpas Ranch Open Space
- Sunrise Neighborhood Park
- Tabor Neighborhood Park
- Tolenas Neighborhood Park
- Veterans Memorial Park
- Vintage Green Valley Neighborhood Park
- Woodcreek Neighborhood Park
- Arch Trail
- Bay Area Ridge Trail
- Black Oak Trail
- Chemlise Loop
- Cliff View Trail
- Devils Backbone Trail
- Fairfield Bike Path
- Fern Falls Trail
- Green Valley Trail
- Heartwood Trail
- Jockey Junction Trail
- Lake Front Trail
- Ledgewood Creek Trail
- Ledgewood Creek Trail Access - Astoria Ct.
- Ledgewood Creek Trail Access - Hartford Pl.
- Ledgewood Creek Trail Access - Springfield Dr.
- Ledgewood Creek Trail Access - Springfield Dr. Alternate 1
- Ledgewood Creek Trail Access - Springfield Dr. Alternate 2
- Lower Lake Loop
- Lower Mystic Ridge Trail
- Lower Tilley Loop
- Manzana
- May-December Trail
- Middle Mystic Ridge Trail
- Mystic Ridge Trail
- Old Ranch Road
- Outside Loop
- Outter Loop
- Pond Pass
- Quarry
- Rock Garden
- Rockville Trail
- Root Trail
- Serpas Ranch Loop Trail
- Sunset Cave Trail
- Tilley Connection
- Tower Loop
- Tower Trail
- Twisted Tree Loop
- Unknown Meadow Trail
- Unknown Trail
- Upper Mystic Ridge Trail
- Upper Quarry
- Upper Tilley Loop
- Wild Turkey Run Trail